Appendix A – Arthroscopy of the Knee

Appendix A – Arthroscopy of the Knee

Introduction Arthroscopy of the knee is an operation in which a small camera, and possibly surgical instruments, are inserted into the knee through two or three small puncture wounds.  Understanding what the basic procedure entails is straightforward if we look at the etymology of the word.  arthro- :  relating to joints  scopy: viewing, observation or…

simply sunshine

Joint Supplements

NSP is a 41 year old Network Marketing Company manufacturing and distributing ‘high end’,, organic supplements and health products.  The main product areas are Daily Nutrition, Weight Management, Sports Nutrition and Combinations for specific health issues. They have a global reputation for quality and safety being approved by the FDA and all other relevant Governmental…

Evaluation Program

Evaluating the benefit of the surgery is important benefitting patients now and in the future. All patients undergoing the operation are asked to be part of an ongoing outcome assessment project, completing short questionnaires assessing symptom and activity levels before and after the surgery. Only by knowing results in detail can the service be improved…

Results at Coventry

Over 140 procedures have now been undertaken and University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust remains the leading referral centre for the UK. Mr Spalding and Mr Thompson now have over 10 years’ experience of the technique and through continued analysis and lecturing internationally the team is one of the leading centres in the world….

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Actifit Meniscus Reconstruction And NICE

NICE has recently provided guidance on approval for Actifit meniscal reconstruction as given below.  Mr Spalding published  A research paper on Actifit in 2011 which formed part of the basis of the NICE review. All patients undergoing Actifit implantation are prospectively evaluated, by invitation to complete outcome evaluation scores, Pre-op and at 1,2 and 5…


Orthopaedic Consultant, UHCW NHS Trust since 2000 Trauma and Elective practise in group of 23 surgeons. Sub-specialist interest in Knee surgery including Cartilage repair, Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Meniscal Surgery, Primary Arthroplasty and Osteotomies about the knee Senior Knee surgeon for trauma and elective knee surgery Chairman UK Meniscal Study group, sub section of BASK Specialist…