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Joint Supplements
NSP is a 41 year old Network Marketing Company manufacturing and distributing ‘high end’,, organic supplements and health products. The main product areas are Daily Nutrition, Weight Management, Sports Nutrition and Combinations for specific health issues. They have a global reputation for quality and safety being approved by the FDA and all other relevant Governmental…
UK National Ligament Registry
Tim Spalding is one of the lead developers of the UK National Ligament Registry launched at BASK (British Knee Society Meeting) in March 2013. For detailed information see the website www.uknlr.co.uk or the attached pdf file All knee surgeons are encouraged to register through the website and to enter their patients into this nationally approved…
Rehabilitation Equipment
Equipment considerations that can help you activate your quadriceps muscle, improving your pre-operative condition and aiding your post-operative recovery.
mike Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi malesuada mauris interdum mauris sollicitudin egestas aliquet eros faucibus. Cras suscipit pharetra lectus vitae blandit. Nullam cursus, mi ac tempor aliquet, ipsum nibh pellentesque ligula, sit amet elementum orci lorem in neque. Nunc ac diam odio, in congue libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus…
Fulkerson Osteotomy
This information sheet provides information on the nature and purpose of the procedure in addition to an outline of the post-operative rehabilitation.
Pre-operative preparation
Preoperatively in outpatients alignment x-rays of the whole of both legs are taken to help determine the exact amount of correction required. A hinged knee brace is ordered which will support the leg while the bone heals and yet it will allow some early range of movement exercises.