Rehabilitation Protocol
Important Information for rehabilitation (to be completed by surgeon)
This information sheet provides information on the nature and purpose of the procedure in addition to an outline of the post-operative rehabilitation.
ARTHROSCOPY of the knee is an operation in which a small camera and surgical instruments are inserted into your knee through two or three small (1cm) puncture wounds. The structures within the knee are assessed including the meniscus (mobile footballer’s cartilage), the synovium (lining of the knee), the articular cartilage (joint surfaces), and the cruciate…
Description and Diagnosis In this group patients may complain of a recent injury or mechanical symptoms resulting in descriptions of giving way, clicking, catching or locking. There is usually a history of a recent soft tissue injury. There is usually no obvious osteoarthritis. They may have swelling associated with injury or have a history of…
Key Publications (in reverse order back to 2004) MN Anomah, SJ Krikler, CE Ackroyd, TJW Spalding, AA Amis. The Principles of an Ideal Patellofemoral Arthroplasty. A review. Submitted to JBJS May 2013. Brown C, Spalding T, Robb, C. International Orthopaedics: Medial portal technique for single-bundle anatomical Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Orthopaedics: Volume 37, Issue…
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NICE has recently provided guidance on approval for Actifit meniscal reconstruction as given below. Mr Spalding published A research paper on Actifit in 2011 which formed part of the basis of the NICE review. All patients undergoing Actifit implantation are prospectively evaluated, by invitation to complete outcome evaluation scores, Pre-op and at 1,2 and 5…