Tibial and Femoral Osteotomy
This information sheet provides information on the nature and purpose of the procedure in addition to an outline of the post-operative rehabilitation
This information sheet provides information on the nature and purpose of the procedure in addition to an outline of the post-operative rehabilitation
The aim of the operation is to prevent repeated episodes of giving way or buckling of the knee. Published research shows that approximately 90% of patients consider their knee to function normally, or nearly normally, after surgery. Full contact sport is allowed after rehabilitation but not everyone gets back to his or her previous level….
This information sheet on Microfracture cartilage repair is in three sections: • Information on the nature and purpose of cartilage repair surgery utilising the microfracture technique • An outline of the post-operative rehabilitation and reasons why it is important to follow a gradual specific plan• Example detailed exercise plan.
Knee Brace: The knee brace should be used at all times when moving around for the first 4 weeks to protect the osteotomy site. The hinges on the brace should be locked with the leg out straight when walking as the bone has been weakened by the procedure. The hinges may be unlocked when sitting…
This group is patients where the categorisation is not clear or where the referring doctor wishes to consider early referral to MSCAT without dwelling on specific investigations or assessment. There are many additional causes of knee problems that may not fit into the above categories. These include the following: Problem joint replacement patients: need trial…
The ‘keyhole surgery’ operation to reconstruct the ACL involves replacing it with other strong tendons from areas around the knee. Two main grafts are in common use: the Hamstring Tendon graft and the Patella Tendon graft. Both are considered to be equally good and the choice usually depends on the surgeon’s preference. Currently the Hamstring…
Over 140 procedures have now been undertaken and University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust remains the leading referral centre for the UK. Mr Spalding and Mr Thompson now have over 10 years’ experience of the technique and through continued analysis and lecturing internationally the team is one of the leading centres in the world….